Organic Tomato Puree The full authenticity of tomatoes processed according to ancient tradition, using only carefully selected tomatoes and pasteurizing the product with a delicate bain-marie cooking method to preserve its flavor.
Datterino Biologico di origine controllata proveniente dalle colline beneventane ad oltre 800m dal livello del mare. Povero di calorie ma dal sapore aromatico intensissimo, il datterino si distingue per l’elevato grado zuccherino che lo rende particolarmente gustoso. Sono Pastorizzati con la delicata cottura a bagnomaria in modo da non alterarne il sapore.
The Piennolo Cherry Tomato from Vesuvius D.O.P. (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the most typical and ancient products of Campanian agriculture. It benefits from the volcanic soil and generous sunlight: it is said that its “fiery” color is also the work of the volcano, as according to legend, its roots feed on the lava of Mount Vesuvius itself.
Passata di pomodoro Tutta la genuinità dei pomodori lavorati secondo l’antica tradizione utilizzando solo pomodori rigorosamente selezionati e pastorizzando il prodotto con la delicata cottura a bagnomaria in modo da non alterarne il sapore.
The tomato spaccatella Obtained from the manual processing of the long tomato. It is cut into 4 parts, processed according to the ancient tradition without depriving it of the peel (unlike the peeled tomato) and placed in the container filled with their own sauce.Finally it is pasteurized with the delicate cooking in a bain-marie so as not to alter its…
Rustic with Basil Raw and thick to better savor the authenticity of our tomatoes. Thanks to the addition of a fresh basil leaf, this product is characterized by a unique aroma that takes us back in time, rediscovering the traditions of the past.
Il datterino si distingue per l'elevato grado zuccherino che lo rende particolarmente gustoso. Vengono raccolti a mano e lavorati secondo l'antica tradizione