Every single format comes from a centenary history of our territory, and expresses all the ancient - magical Secrets handed down for generations. Today we produce more than 100 different formats of Pasta, enclosed in 12 families, for the proposal of Artisan Pasta among the most important and exclusive in the sector. Many formats are our exclusive patents: above all…
L'aroma del pepe si fonde magnificamente con la tradizione italiana negli Spaghetti, regalando un'esperienza culinaria che esalta la ricchezza dei sapori della Valle maggia
Every single format comes from a centenary history of our territory, and expresses all the ancient - magical Secrets handed down for generations. Today we produce more than 100 different formats of Pasta, enclosed in 12 families, for the proposal of Artisan Pasta among the most important and exclusive in the sector. Many formats are our exclusive patents: above all…
Every single format comes from a centenary history of our territory, and expresses all the ancient - magical Secrets handed down for generations. Today we produce more than 100 different formats of Pasta, enclosed in 12 families, for the proposal of Artisan Pasta among the most important and exclusive in the sector. Many formats are our exclusive patents: above all…
In questa capsule troverai il riso Acquerello, il sugo pronto con calamaretti di Carlo Cracco e della polvere di nero di seppia da usare in rifinitura final
Lo Chef Francesco Aquila sceglie un look total black: un piatto dall’aspetto accattivante e dal gusto sublime, dove il sapore deciso del nero di seppia incontra la dolcezza della pasta di mandorle.